The movie itself was nice. Like Jackson said, it had a lot of what women like...clothes, shoes, relationships, a great group of BFFs, kids, dogs and who can forget...LOVE. One downside about the movie is that the closeness between Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda made me miss my friends back home. After the movie, we walked to a near by restaurant where we devoured panqueques which in translation means pancakes. I know pancakes for dinner?! Not quite, another unusual difference in Argentine culture is that panqueques are like crepes that are not sweet. The one Jackson and I shared was filled with cheese, olives, and tomatoes, very good by the way. On our way back home, my cousin pointed out the famous Recoleta cemetery which Jackson and visited the next day.
Today, Jackson and I went to Recoleta cemetery to visit Eva Peron's (Evita)tomb. The cemetery was unlike any other cemetery I have ever seen. People walked down the paths as though they were walking the streets of Venice. The cemetery itself seemed to be a hidden castle. It had high brick walls with glorious statues peaking out from the top. The streets of Buenos Aires surround the cemetery. Its not until you walk through Recoleta Park that you find the museum like entrance. Surprisingly, there weren't a lot of people visiting Evita's grave considering that tomorrow is the anniversary of her death. Once the musem closed which was fifteen minutes after we arrived (we made it there just in time), Jackson and I walked home. I hope that we have more days like these. It helps me get to know the city more and helps me feel comfortable with our move.

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