Today, I'm feeling anxious, nervous, excited and curious all at the same time...where's the Ativan when you need it?!...just kidding. All joking aside, I have all these mixed feelings because I have my very first interview in Buenos Aires. Tomorrow, I will meeting La Matron, in other words the head nurse, of the Hospital Británico. I really have no idea what to expect. My guess is that nursing in Buenos Aires is not the same as in the USA. My fear of being a nurse here is that I'll be doing a lot of ass wiping, aka dirty work. Do nurses in Buenos Aires have the autonomy that nurses in the USA have? In the USA, nurses are pretty much doctors, minus the medical degree. Does this ring true for nurses here as well? I have no idea!! Regardless though, I think working as a nurse in Buenos Aires will be a great experience and will definitely help me with my future goals(I still have to write an entry about my plans for the future).
Aside from tomorrow, on Monday, I have an interview with Sanatorio de la Trinidad en Palermo. I will be meeting with the nursing coordinator of neonatology and pediatrics. This job seems very promising. Although I've heard that the Hospital Británico is one of the best in Buenos Aires, I'm slightly more interested in the hospital in Palermo. For starters, the nursing coordinator seemed to really be interested in my CV. Secondly, it's in Palermo, which makes it easy for me to get to. Lastly and probably the most important factor is that I would be working with kids. Back home, I was a pediatric nurse, so this would be a perfect fit for me. I guess I'll have to make a list of Pros and Cons for both hospitals. One thing is for sure, if I work for the Hospital Británico, I will not be thrilled about wearing an all white nurse's uniform. I'm used to wearing a Sponge Bob Square Pants scrub top with colorful pink pants and of course Crocs. If I'm lucky with both hospitals, I'll have to really think of which hospital suits me best. Hmm, what would Florence Nightingale do?

Side note: (I miss my nursing buddies. Love those girls!)
All and all the nurses are pretty awesome here in Pediatrics. Although the head nurses in the Public Hospitals can be battle axes. My favourite nurse is a male at Hospital Italiano in the Pediatric Emergency ward. Very adept and gentle with the catheter.
Good to know Miss Tango. I'll stay away from the Public Hospitals. I'm really looking forward to visiting Sanatorio de la Trinidad. I have to say, I really do miss nursing.
My husband and I are both nurses and we are looking to work in other countries. How difficult was it for you to make the transition to an AR hospital. What steps did you take to get proper licensing, work visa, are you a fluent Spanish speaker? Have you heard of any agencies to assist with international travel in AR?
I am so excited to find somebody who knows someting about nursing in buenos aires. I have same views as you about nursing...thought i would leave it but it is what i know well and what i have to give. i have had trouble learning anything about working here as a nurse.. Please could you let me know how you got started? do you need special visa, registration as a nurse in argentina, fluent spanish,and how did you find the jobs?
Yvonne and Kirstie,
Thanks for taking a look at my blog. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't be of much help. The interviews I had at hospitals here I was able to get because I had connections. The interview went really well. In fact the nursing coordinator wanted to hire me but I needed to get some paperwork in order. I did my research and from what it looks like, I needed to get my nursing degree validated by the ministry of education here in BsAs. I also had to get my nursing diploma legalized as well as translated into Spanish. They also require school transcripts. They basically want to verify that the American nursing degree is equivalent to BsAs. All of the paperwork had to be translated and the translation had to be legalized. Everything could take at least 6 months. So, I never went through with it. I didn't research to find out if I needed a work visa. I'm assuming no because the hospital to ask me if I had one. I really wish I could be of more help. You do need to be fluent in Spanish though. If you have any other question, though, please ask.
I wish you both luck:)
Hello Erika
I am living with my husband in Buenos Aires at this moment. Because I am pregnant, I am doing research at which place I could deliver my baby the best. My midwife in BA suggested La Trinidad in Palermo.
Since I found your blog and you have visited the hospital.... can you give me advice? Did you get an idea about the level of healthcare. Would you recommend that hospital? Thanks in advance! Eline van Leeuwen from the Netherlands
Harm en Eline,
I would like to give you better news but I'm sorry to say I don't know much about Sanatorio La Trinidad. I interviewed a while back in the neonatal intensice care unit. From what I saw, the hospital is very nice...definitely one of the best I've seen thus far. The level of healthcare seems to be really good, high quality. According to my uncle, who's been living here for over 30 years, it's one of the best hospitals in Buenos Aires. I know this isn't much information but I hope it helps on your decision. I would say it's a good pick...Good luck with everything:)
And thanks for taking a look at my blog:)
Hi Erika, I came across your blog doing a google search...I am also a nurse and currently live in the US. My boyfriend is Argentinean and lives in Buenos Aires. Needless to say, we can't be long distance loves forever. I am just starting to look into the possibility of moving to Buenos Aires. I just wondered... it seems as though working as a nurse there is very complicated...I read your response to another post. However, I wanted to ask (at the risk of being nosey) what did you end up doing? And what recommendation do you have for someone who speaks a little Spanish, but needs lots of help if I ever hope to be fluent? Any resources you have on nursing in Buenos Aires or language learning would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you for sharing your blog!
SO....Do you work as a nurse in BSAS, if so would you mind sharing a little more about the differences of nursing in BsAs and Chicago??? thanks! Jen
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