Because it was raining cats and dogs for awhile today, Jackson and I decided to stay home. We had a nice quite day. While Jackson did his usual (writing), I continued working on my current Today though instead of coming up with dinner, I concentrated on my favorite meal of the day...dessert!! I found a fairly easy recipe for thumbprint cookies on which turned out great. This was my second time baking vegan cookies and I'd have to say that the second time around was better. The important thing is that Jackson enjoyed the cookies. He took a break from his writing and grabbed a glass of milk with a plate of cookies...I still have a lot of practicing to do but when it comes to cookies I'm more than happy to devote a lot of time.

Erika, i saw your comment on the peeps. Mail me your mailing address and I will sent you my artwork along with some peeps. :)
oh the simple pleasure of cookies and milk. . . I'm sure as a ped rn you find yourself in many incredible situations and some are probably heartfelt so I would suspect you are a most compassinate soul
I just wanted to say hello, today is my first day in the blogging universe and I have no idea what led me here - it's all so amazing
Angel Blessings
Hello Ted,
Thanks for coming across my blog and taking the time to read :)
Welcome to the blogging world :)
Hello Erika,
I was curious about nursing in Buenos Aires and arrived at your blog. I am also a pediatric nurse employed in home care for medically fragile children. I am sad there were no more entries after this one? How are you doing? Are you still in BA? I love your little dog Zoe, is she a Lhasa Apso? I have a Lhasa Apso named Poochie.
I would love to correspond with you and find out more about living in BA. I reside in South Dakota. My email address is
Mary Jo Nemec
Your cookies looked great on the picture. Thank you for sharing the link to the recipe for the thumbprint cookies. I found a lot of great recipes there.
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